When your sister is a graphic designer and illustrator, there's no reason not to use her for your wedding right?

My brother and his high school sweetheart finally got married in 2022 after a decade long relationship marathon and the Covid-19 pandemic, so when they asked me to design the wedding invitation for them, I gladly took the "job", and I can tell you it's probably the only unpaid gig that's sweet and honorable to me.

The 1st comp

I did their portrait in Procreate and then transferred it to Photoshop to polish it. The layout was done in Adobe Illustrator and utilized some design elements from Adobe Stock, such as the flowers and icons.
The design is around 5"x7" postcard size, double-sided, and set in CMYK.
And voila! Here's the final version.
Luckily everyone likes it, and the print is done beautifully as well.
The illustration can be appliedĀ to many gifts and giveaways such as bookmarks.
Thanks for viewing my work!
I hope this project makes you feel loving and cheerful.
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